More of the same :-(
I will be perfectly honest... I liked a few of your first tracks,
But everyone is the same now, they all sound like they have the same synths / effects / beat...
It's like you got all this together in one song awhile ago and saved the project and now everytime you go to start a new song you just load that project and change the melody a little (and maybe a few effects like reverb etc.)
In all fairness it's just getting a little boring now, you need to stop loading that same project and start afresh (maybe even try a different style even if it's just to show you can do more than one simple genre of music)
I always remember what someone once told me, "If an artist creates an album He must take the listener through a journey using different styles of music so that the music seems fresh and the listener will not know what to expect from the artist on the following track"
Unfortunatly If someone gave me a CD full of your songs... I would know exactly what to expect after the track I was listenting to (the same again) and hence I would grow tired of it all very quickly.
Variation is the key, I do not mean this as in insult but as advice, ditch the saved project you've re-used for a year or so, don't keep re-using that as it's killing it...
Start afresh and keep the music fresh.
Much Love,